Finally, Safe and Secure Retention at High Speeds!
With rotational capacity requirements of modern applications higher than ever, it's challenging to find a retaining ring that can withstand high speeds. Work-around solutions end up needing more assembly time, cost more money, or even worse, they fail!
Over six decades ago, Spirolox®, a division of Smalley, invented the first Self-Locking Ring. A Self-Locking Ring is a custom retaining ring engineered to operate in high RPM applications.
Since then, Smalley has been paving the way for innovative high RPM retaining ring solutions.
High RPM Retaining Solutions
This Technical Guide will cover the different types of high RPM fastening solutions and the pros and cons of each solution.
- Design a custom retaining ring
- Add a self-locking feature to a standard or custom retaining ring
- Review a non-retaining ring alternate solution
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